====== Recent activity ======
Members of GEIST are involved in numerous events, including:
===== Conferences =====
GEIST members have been co-organizing and participating as PC members in various events.
==== 2012 ====
---- dataloop ----
cols : name, begin_dt, end_dt, website, city, country, reviewers_geist, organizers_geist, pcmembers_geist, participants_geist, conf-name
where : year = 2012
where : begin_dt < %today%
where : public = yes
sort : ^begin
* **@@begin_dt@@ - @@end_dt@@** - **@@name@@**?( at **@@conf-name@@**)??(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. Website: @@website_url@@. \\ ?( ''PC members: @@pcmembers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Reviewers: @@reviewers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Organizers: @@organizers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Participants: @@participants@@'' )?
---- enddataloop ----
==== 2011 ====
---- dataloop ----
cols : name, begin_dt, end_dt, website, city, country, reviewers_geist, organizers_geist, pcmembers_geist, participants_geist, conf-name
where : year = 2011
where : begin_dt < %today%
where : public = yes
sort : ^begin
* **@@begin_dt@@ - @@end_dt@@** - **@@name@@**?( at **@@conf-name@@**)??(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. Website: @@website_url@@. \\ ?( ''PC members: @@pcmembers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Reviewers: @@reviewers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Organizers: @@organizers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Participants: @@participants@@'' )?
---- enddataloop ----
==== 2010 ====
---- dataloop ----
cols : name, begin_dt, end_dt, website, city, country, reviewers_geist, organizers_geist, pcmembers_geist, participants_geist, conf-name
where : year = 2010
where : public = yes
sort : ^begin
* **@@begin_dt@@ - @@end_dt@@** - **@@name@@**?( at **@@conf-name@@**)??(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. Website: @@website_url@@. \\ ?( ''PC members: @@pcmembers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Reviewers: @@reviewers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Organizers: @@organizers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Participants: @@participants@@'' )?
---- enddataloop ----
==== 2009 ====
---- dataloop ----
cols : name, begin_dt, end_dt, website, city, country, reviewers_geist, organizers_geist, pcmembers_geist, participants_geist, conf-name
where : year = 2009
where : public = yes
sort : ^begin
* **@@begin_dt@@ - @@end_dt@@** - **@@name@@**?( at **@@conf-name@@**)??(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. Website: @@website_url@@. \\ ?( ''PC members: @@pcmembers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Reviewers: @@reviewers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Organizers: @@organizers@@'' \\ )? ?(''Participants: @@participants@@'' )?
---- enddataloop ----
==== 2008 ====
* [[https://ai.ia.agh.edu.pl/wiki/kese:kese2008|4th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2008)]] at the [[http://ki2008.dfki.uni-kl.de/|31th German AI Conference (KI-2008)]], 23-26 September, Kaiserslautern, Germany, see the [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-425|Online Proceedings CEUR Vol. 425]]
* [[http://oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/RuleApp2008/|2nd East European Workshop on Rule-Based Applications]] at the [[http://www.ece.upatras.gr/ecai2008/|18th European Conference] on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI2008)]], 21-25 July, Patras, Greece, see the [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-428|Online Proceedings CEUR Vol. 428]]
* [[http://wcms1.rz.tu-ilmenau.de/fakia/FLAIRS-2008.6478.0.html|Special Track on Design, Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems (DERIS)]] at the [[http://www.flairs-21.info/|21th FLAIRS-2008,]] May 15-17, Coconut Grove, USA
* [[http://oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/ANSyM2008/|Special Session Adaptive Networked Systems and Media (ANSyM'2008)]] of the [[http://www.iea-aie.pwr.wroc.pl/|21st International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2008)]], 18-20 June, Wrocław, Poland
==== 2007 ====
* [[http://ki.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/KESE|3rd Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2007)]] at the [[http://www.ki2007.uos.de/|30th German AI Conference (KI-2007)]], 10-13 September, Osnabrück, Germany, see the [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-282|Online Proceedings CEUR Vol. 282]]
* [[http://oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/RuleApp2007/|1st East European Workshop on Rule-Based Applications (RuleApps'2007)]] at the [[http://synasc07.info.uvt.ro/|9th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (Synasc2007)]], 26-29 September, Timisoara , Romania
* [[http://www.awic2007.net/|5th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference 2007 (AWIC2007)]], 25-27 June, Fontainebleau, France
==== 2005 ====
* [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/~msk/ssKnowledge_eng.html|Special Session: Knowledge Engineering - Methods and Application]] at the [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/~msk/archiwum.html#CMS05|5th Computer Methods and Systems conference (CMS2005)]], 14-16 November, Kraków, Poland