====== GEIST Winter of Code ======
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We work for students as their tutors on many different courses, but what is our real goal is to work **with** them!
Every year we look for ambitious students, who want to gain more knowledge and experience that it is offered on standard courses.
Most talented students will be able to:
* Gain knowledge and experience in the area of Artificial Intelligence that is not available on regular courses
* Take part in building **Intelligent Mobile Technologies** laboratory and have access to **smarphones**, **tablets**, **augmented reality glasses** and many other devices!
* Work on their master or bachelor thesis and get paid for that
* Meet many famous people from the Artificial Intelligence society
* Implement their solutions in commercial products
* Continue their education on PhD studies
* Travel around the world
* Have a lot of fun ;-)
In exchange, we expect that students will:
* Be full of positive attitude
* Want to work (hard)
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Prezentacja: {{:pub:winter_of_code:gwoc2012.pdf|tutaj}}
Decyzja który projekt się bierze: 01.01.2013
===== Winter of code 2012/2013 =====
Meeting with interested students: 19.12.2012 C2, 316, 15:00.
For more info, contact [[mailto:szymon.bobek@agh.edu.pl|us]]!