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Krzysztof Kaczor

Krzysztof Kaczor

Krzysztof Kaczor, MSc (, www) holds a position of a research assistant at the AGH UST in Krakow, Poland, Department of Automatics.

He has received his MSc degree from AGH UST in 2008. In his master thesis he focused on design and implementation of a unified rule base editor allowing for visual modeling of the XTT2 rule bases.

Since 2007 he had been actively involved in the number of research projects, where his work was mainly related with the visual and formal knowledge representation and processing (Hekate, Rebit, Bimloq). In 2015 he finished his PhD dissertation that concerned the development of unified and formalized model for rule representation allowing for semantic business rule interoperability.

For the list of his publications see: the bpp AGH system (old new), the Google Scholar, the DBLP Bibliography or my ResearcherID profile (based on the Web of Knowledge).

In his free time he likes swimming, playing volleyball and skiing.


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