GEIST news
- June 2013 - Startup Seminar!: EIS R&D Seminar on Entrepreneurship on June 12th, gathered amazing speakers from Nearbox, BaseCRM, Innovation Nest and Google for Entrepreneurs Kraków and was a great chance to learn practical lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs! Big THANK YOU for visiting EIS!
- May 2013 - Prosecco in news: Information about Prosecco project has been published at AGH UST Website, KrakowIT and WNP.
- 11 April 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Adaptive Learning of Context for Pattern Recognition by Prof. Marcin Grzegorzek, that will take place on Wednesday, April 17th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- 4 April 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Business Intelligence by Konrad Siatka, Research & Business Development, Vice President Software Mind SA and Paweł Machalski, Business Development Manager, that will take place on Wednesday, April 10th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- 7 March 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Procesy biznesowe w praktyce by Krzysztof Szczecki, R&D Department Manager and Jarosław Karpiak, Production Manager, that will take place on Wednesday, March 13th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- 6 March 2013 - First open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Models, simulations and experiments, and their role in artificial intelligence by Prof. Bipin Indurkhya that will take place on Wednesday, March 6th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- May 2013 - Prosecco kick-off meeting: The Prosecco project has been officially started by the consortium. Kick-off meeting has taken place in Kraków, at AGH UST and at Softhis office.
- 18 January 2013 - We are launching a NEW TRACK for Applied Computer Science students!
An informational meeting was held at AGH. We are looking forward to starting the new exciting courses with our specialists and guest lecturers! Please visit the EIS Website
- 12 December 2012 - First edition of GEIST Winter of Code has just started!
- 19-23 November 2012 - Weronika T. Adrian took part in ICSEA 2012 conference and presented a work in progress paper on an intelligent mobile assistant system - the idea was well received by the audience
- 16 November 2012 - GEIST takes part in the Polish AI Society open seminar hosted at AGH UST.
- 14 November 2012 - the first edition of GEIST Spring of Code has been officially closed!
Succesful projects have been presented, diplomas and congratulations given, now let us prepare for the GEIST Winter of Code! (info soon, initially planned meeting: 12.12.2012)
- 7-9 November 2012 - Szymon Bobek and Weronika T. Adrian took part in ICTAI 2012 conference. Szymon did a great job presenting our paper (see the photo
- 21 October 2012 - Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz J. Nalepa receives a scientific award: Nagrody Naukowe Polityka - w kategorii Nauki Techniczne. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
- 09 September 2012 - GEIST leads tutorial on FedCSIS Conference - Semantic Knowledge Engineering for Business Intelligence: concepts and tools
Recent conference activity
We have attended: —- dataloop —- cols : name, begin_dt, end_dt, website_url, city, country, participants_geists, conf-name max : 5 where : end ⇐ %today% and : participants_geists != “” sort : ^begin
- @@begin_dt@@ - @@end_dt@@ - @@name@@?( at @@conf-name@@)??(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. ?(See @@website@@.)?
—- enddataloop —-
Coming events
Coming events we are involved in:
—- dataloop —- cols : name, begin_dt, website_url, city, country, participants_geists where : end>%today% and : participants_geists != “” sort : begin
- @@begin_dt@@ - Meet GEIST (@@participants@@) at @@name@@?(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. ?(See @@website@@.)?
—- enddataloop —-
—- dataloop —- cols : name, begin_dt, website_url, city, country, pcmembers_geists where : end>%today% and : pcmembers_geists != “” sort : begin
- @@begin_dt@@ - @@name@@?(, @@city@@)??(, @@country@@)?. ?(See @@website@@.)? → In Program Committee: @@pcmembers@@
—- enddataloop —-
- 12 June 2012 - Internship options for MSc students look here for more information and contact us.
- 27 April 2012 - Erasmus program update! New bilateral agreements for universities form Spain and Germany have been signed. Check this out to learn more.
- 12 March 2012 - First edition of GEIST Spring of Code has just started!
- 6 November 2011 - GEIST reaches Cape Canaveral, preparing for the ICTAI 2011 conference.
- 2 August 2011 - Weronika T. Adrian has been ranked 7th out of 40 scientists and innovation managers chosen in the pilot edition of the Top 500 Innovators program. The group will attend a 2-months internship on knowledge transfer and research commercialization at Stanford University or MIT (details are to be announced soon…) . Read more on AGH UST Website (in polish).
- 6-8 June 2011 - Dr. Grzegorz J. Nalepa is away giving invited lectures in DKSE group in Universidad de Almería. Read more...
- 14 April 2011 - GEIST members (Grzegorz J. Nalepa & Krzysztof Kluza) gave a presentation at the Explicite Seminar about the Bimloq research project. The main objectives, current state of work, future plans, as well as possibilities of cooperation have been presented to the audience. Read more...
- 12-13 April 2011 - A photo gallery from the Ontology Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny (see the photos) appeared at the L3G Group Website.
- 31 January 2011 - Read about GEIST in “Nowoczesne standardy w komunikacji elektronicznej” - a short report from the conference in Katowice (read in polish)
- 8 December 2010 - GEIST starts a cooperation with Softhis company in the field of the Semantic Web technologies. Read more...
- 2-16 December 2010 - GEIST supports Legomotive Robots Competition organized by BEST
- 2-11.12.2009 - GEIST supports Legomotive Robots Competition organized by BEST
- 20.11.2009 - GEIST is a co-organizer of Global Entrepreneurship Week at AGH
- 19.10.2009 - GEIST prototype wiki goes online
- 8.10.2009 - First Official GEIST Meeting
pub/news-bkp.txt · Last modified: 2013/09/09 21:20 by kkr